M.I.S Database

If you are a patent holder or an inventor of innovative medical technology, please let us know about your idea. We are more than happy to add your technology to the M.I.S. Database.

M.I.S. Database is a great way to attract potential investors or clients. You can submit information about your idea using the form available on our website or by contacting our staff directly.

Submit information of an innovative medical technology

Count of all records in M.I.S. database 1,201

Count of all records in specialities

Count of records in Ranking 496

Count of records in specialities

Count of records in Beyond the Horizon 597

Count of records in specialities

Count of records in Mapping 108

Count of records in specialities

Example of M.I.S. Database records Log in or register to get full access.
Check ID Name Manufacturer Intervention Indication
M/15/09/1212 Rhinix
Nasal filter Allergic rhinitis
M/15/09/1211 Eyes-On Glasses
Evena Medical
Wearable system for real-time vascular imaging Intravenous access
M/15/09/1210 SONIMAGE P3 (SignosRT Handheld Ultrasound, SpeqRT)
KONICA MINOLTA, INC. (Signostics Ltd.)
Ultrasound imaging system Multiple indications - ultrasound imaging
M/15/09/1209 ND0612L
NeuroDerm Ltd.
Levodopa/ carbidopa for subcutaneous infusion Parkinson's disease
M/15/09/1208 NeoChord DS1000
NeoChord Inc.
Minimally invasive mitral valve repair system Significant symptomatic mitral valve insufficiency
M.I.S. access plans
Free trial access
Unlimited access to 1 medical field
Infectious diseases (Mapping + Ranking + Beyond the horizon). Click to get access
Multiple users
In case the nature of your work requires access to the M.I.S. Database for multiple users we can prepare a customer-specific offer. Please feel free to contact us directly to discuss more about your requirements so we could present an offer directly tailored to your needs.
90 day access
90 day access to M.I.S. Database
for 1 user.

Contact M.I.S. to find out about prices.
Click to get access
Short report of competitive space (SRCS) SRCS – a brief report pertaining to a competitive market segment for a particular health technology or a group of health technologies, based on the M.I.S. database, including an overview of competitive technologies entered into the M.I.S. database and their place in the Ranking as compared to the health technology which is the subject of the ordered SRCS. Detailed conditions, including the anticipated subject and scope of the report are each time determined by the Parties in a separate written agreement. SRCS costs 3,000 USD*. Click to order
*The descriptions of services and products offered by MedInvest Scanner sp. z o.o and their prices are presented here for informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the applicable provisions of law, and in particular do not constitute an offer within the meaning of Article 66 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code. MedInvest Scanner sp. z o.o reserves the right to change the scope of services and products it offers as well as their prices.

The ranking of MedInvest Scanner provides you with a quick and easy-to-use tool which will broaden your knowledge surrounding the existing competitive landscape.

The ranking can substantially reduce your investment risk and provides support in the investment targeting of given health technologies with the highest potential based on value assessment. Through the MedInvest Scanner website we provide free of charge access to a one discipline containing ranking of innovative health technologies.

Value of innovative medical technologies have been ranked according to a set of criteria based on health technology assessment (evidence-based medicine). A higher value of ranking points assigned to a particular technology indicates greater attractiveness relative to other technologies on the market.

To derive our ranking score, we assess domains such as:

  • impact on public health
  • impact on individual patient’s health
  • efficacy & safety
  • incremental cost-effectiveness
  • marketing potential and
  • other based on scientific evidence,

as compared with alternatives currently available or most commonly used in health care.

Theoretically, the maximum ranking score is 10 000 points.

This score cannot be achieved in practice as there is no panacea. Although the higher the score the more attractive a particular health technology is – meaning it would be a better investment based on the M.I.S. value assessment.


Within Mapping subset you can find technologies which have not yet been ranked. After assigning ranking score records are moved to the Ranking section of M.I.S. Database.

M.I.S. constantly updates information about disruptive, innovative health technologies which have prospects of progress into the health care market.

Our staff:

  • follows up medical devices debuting on the world’s markets,
  • screens range of regulatory bodies’ decisions and clinical trials databases,
  • attends conferences on innovations in medicine around the word.

We do that to map innovative solutions in order to inform your investment decision-making. Whereas there is much hype, only some of medical technologies deserve the name of innovation.

You will find many of the world’s cutting edge medical devices which deserve investors’ attention. Technologies are presented in standardised, clear format according to the disease area. On the MedInvest Scanner website you can gain free of charge access to an example discipline containing innovative health technologies.

If you are a patent holder or an inventor of innovative medical technology, please let us know about your idea. We are more than happy to add your technology to the M.I.S. Database.

M.I.S. Database is a great way to attract potential investors or clients. You can submit information about your idea using the form available on our website or by contacting our staff directly.

Submit information of an innovative medical technology

Beyond the Horizon

The subset “Beyond the Horizon” presents health technologies in different phases of research and development substantially before their market authorisation which are not ranked.

If you are a patent holder or an inventor of innovative medical technology, please let us know about your idea. We are more than happy to add your technology to the M.I.S. Database.

M.I.S. Database is a great way to attract potential investors or clients. You can submit information about your idea using the form available on our website or by contacting our staff directly.

Submit information of an innovative medical technology

We can also provide you with quick and easy-to-use tool which will broaden your knowledge of the existing and future competitive landscape.

For a request regarding particular group of health technologies we can produce a short report of competitive space (SRCS) based on technologies gathered in M.I.S. Database.